A cross connection is defined as any piping arrangement that allows the drinking water supply piping to be connected to a non-potable water source.
A backflow is any undesirable reversal of flow from the intended direction as the result of either: back siphonage (the reversal of flow due to negative piping pressures) or back pressure (the reversal of flow caused by pressure greater than the supply pressure).
The South Carolina Department of Health And Environmental Control (SC DHEC) mandates that every public water system must initiate and maintain a viable cross connection control program. Spartanburg Water began a Cross Connection Control/Backflow Program in the early 1980’s. The Cross Connection/Backflow Program at Spartanburg Water prevents the contamination of the drinking water supply in the event of a backflow.
There are many backflow assemblies and devices available to prevent a backflow from occurring.
Certain types of commercial and industrial backflow assemblies must be tested annually by an SCDHEC certified tester. The current SWS Backflow Assembly Field Test Report is available for download in PDF format.
Contact Matthew Jamison, Cross Connection Control/Backflow Prevention Program Coordinator, at (864) 598-7213 or email at ccc@spartanburgwater.org.