Spartanburg Water Cashiering Coordinator Awarded with Inaugural State Award for Outstanding Service
The South Carolina American Water Works Association (SCAWWA) awards Roberta Porter.
The South Carolina American Water Works Association (SCAWWA) awards Roberta Porter.
Water Environment Association of South Carolina (WEASC) awards Scott Duff at state level.
Awards presented at annual South Carolina Environmental Conference (SCEC)
Grant will help fund the Spartanburg organization’s Watershed Ecology Educational Stations on "The Dan."
$15,500 grant will help Center continue education for 23,000 local students.
Water Environment Association of South Carolina (WEASC) awards Hillary Messer at district level.
Water Environment Association of South Carolina (WEASC) awards Scott Duff at district level.
An update on the re-opening plans for Lake Blalock Park from Spartanburg Water CEO, Guy Boyle.